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A Chat With: Boys Age


Meet Boys Age, the rising “uncommon pop” band based out of Saitama, Japan. Composed of Kaznary Mutow (singer) and Takamasa Kobayashi (drums), the band first came into the spotlight in 2014 with the release of their debut album The Odyssey. We caught up with them to discuss their new album, future plans, and more.

Can you give us a brief history of how you guys started?

Kaz: Takamasa and I met in primary school. We become friends in middle school, and we would hang out at record stores, karaoke places, and other places. Then we ended up starting Boys Age in high school.

Where did your name come from?

Kaz: The band name was inspired by the song “Shonen-ki” by Japanese singer Tetsuya Takeda.

Not too long ago you guys put out your new album Initiate. What was it like working on it, and how long did it take?

Kaz: That album is the second compilation of my discography, so I only had difficulty putting the songs in order.

Would you say it’s harder to start a song or to finish it?

Kaz: I don’t think either of them are hard. For me, music is metabolism, ecology, and faith. It’s an ordinary process.

For people that don’t know you guys, how would you describe your sound?

Kaz: I don’t even understand it myself. However, don’t call us the Japanese version of Mac Demarco.

What’s the music scene like in Japan?

Kaz: Haha, there are definitely some good bands. It’s a bit like finding a piece of gold dust from a desert made of feces.

Any artists/ bands that influence you?

Kaz: Recently, it’s been Kohei Tanaka and X.Y.R.

So far what has been your most memorable show?

Kaz: I remember playing at a Spanish embassy event several years ago. I still remember the sight of the crowd that I had from the stage.

What can we expect from you guys for the rest of the year?

Kaz: There are some people who beg for us to come and play a show, but I’m unable to as I have no money. For now, we’ll be releasing an album this year.


Favourite song to listen to?

Kaz: Last Thing On Your Mind by H. Hawkline

Who was your first concert?

Kaz: The J-pop group Teriyaki Boyz.

If you weren’t making music what would you be doing?

Kaz: I can’t think of anything else….if I didn’t sing I would die.

You can catch Initiate on Spotify now.

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