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Our Taverne Tour Experience

Mathieu Parent

The Taverne Tour kicked off Montreal’s music festivals earlier this month in a variety of venues and bars around Le Plateau. Their lineup made up of diverse artists and genres, as many local as international ones, literally had us doing the tour of ‘taverns’. The festivals 5th edition was actually their introduction to us. We found the concept of going from bar to bar to see a show in the dead of winter alluring. With artists like Video Age, Kandle, Lemongrab and many more playing an intimate gig, the temptation to attend was too strong.

One of the first performances on January 31st was Anatole at Le Verre Bouteille. Since the release of his album Testament last fall, we had been looking forward to seeing him live. Absolutely no disappointment there. From climbing on the bar, a table, going through the crowd and his expressive faces and dance moves; Anatole was giving us his all. We’re not sure how the crowd in the back or the people sitting down during the whole show felt, but we were having the time of our lives dancing to his synth inspired tunes.

What makes the Taverne Tour so special is the access to these intimate performances from incredibly talented artists. I think we’re lucky to have many small venues and affordable gigs in our city. The tour’s 5th edition was a success and we’re intrigued to see what music will be played around town next winter!

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