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Combat Sports - The Vaccines

Melody J. Myers

The Vaccines are back with their fourth album ‘Combat Sports’, since releasing their third album ‘English Graffiti’ in 2015. ‘Combat Sports’ has the same vibe we all know in love, but there is a sense of growth and becoming a guitar band again. The best thing about their albums, is not only good instruments, but the lyrics are always so good. The first track on ‘Combat Sports’ is ‘Put It on a T-Shirt’ seems to be about a cold hearted lover, then you hear my favorite thing in the world a guitar exploding. The eye catching lyric that starts off the song “Help me make my mind up then as you’re tying up my shoes.” The second track is their first single, ‘I Can’t Quit’ shows us the fresh side of The Vaccines’ return. The first two tracks are reminders that they still know how to make a fist in the air album that no one will get sick of. My favorite song off ‘Combat Sports’ is ‘Your Love Is My Favourite Band’ this track reminds me of my somewhat too big of a heart for my favorite bands. This might be the cheesiest song on the album, but its still a die hard get up and dance song. ‘Surfing In The Sky” now we don’t know what Young means by surfing in the sky, and we won’t question it. This track makes your brain pop, the nonsense lyrics we know and love. ‘Maybe (Luck of the Draw)’ is another one of my favorites, love songs like this make my world go round. This track might be repetitive, but you can feel the sincerity in the lyrics. ‘Young American’ is that love ballad no one expected, the breathy vocals, harmonies, and the slight sound of an organ. ‘Nightclub’ is the ‘its time to throw my fist in the air song’ and boy do we love it! The loud guitar and drums really fills up this track. ‘Out On The Street’ this track sounds like a conversation with a lover, with straight to the point lyrics. ‘Take It Easy’ starts off with some keys, and an electrifying guitar. This track is very pop, and at times has self loathing lyrics, then we have ‘Someone to Lose’ is that song you’ll play forever, this track is also somewhat of a pop song, what stood out to me the most was the lyric “your spirt is a freight train, i feel it running through me.” The last song on the album is ‘Rolling Stone’ this song is very self explanatory. It seems to be about the famous bands we’ve all grown up listening to because of our parents, about how well known these bands are. Towards the end the vocals become softer, the ending lyric really ties up the whole entire song “so let’s skip to the front of the queue, we’ll tell them that this ones for you.” ‘Combat Sports’ is the album that The Vaccine’s rose from the rubble with, and it was the best thing to happen.

Listen to the full album HERE

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