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Mathieu Parent

New Music Video: Hold On by The Flamingos Pink

The Flamingos Pink share their new single, Hold On, which derives from their usual high energy and rowdy rock tunes. The song was written a long time ago and recorded to tape in a world that seems so far away. The feeling hits home today more than ever and the timing feels right to put out a song that otherwise may never have seen the time of day.

"in a world where everything seems to be on hold, nothing seems to be the same. the trees are blooming, the flowers growing and the birds are singing. the sun shines and the rain pours, all the while we’re stuck at home. dreaming is free and so are our minds, it’s a tough pill to swallow. good times will come again and in the meantime it’s ok to feel the sadness reign. without it we wouldn’t know how to appreciate the times ahead".

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